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Présentation générale activités de REMF radiocommunications

Diaporama activités REMF Systèmes radio - Pupitres - Tours mobiles

     Civil avionics  -  ATC systems  -  Defense


Light beacons remote control receptor
Type SLT 300




This unit allows the pilot to select and put on or turn off low or high intensity runway lights beacons just by keying his mike button.

It is avalable in desk-top case or in 19 ‘2 U cabinet for rack mounting.

Lights on timing is preset at the factory at 15 minutes, but can be adjusted from 1 to 99 minutes.

It is also possible in option to have an acknowledgment BIP signal which warns the pilot when the lights are on.

This unit can be used for other remote control purposes, such as radio beacons, bird repeler systems.

The SLT 300 can be used like normal VHF transceiver (main or redundant).

The system can be embedded in " ATIS " announcer : See its own data sheet on this site.


  • built-in emergency battery for 8 hours operation in case of main power supply breakdown.
  • Built-in test included
  • Automatic ligth beacons check if photo-electric sensor is installed.
  • Use like remote control beacon or normal transceiver
  • Other versions available (DTMF code, BIP just before lights turn-off, adjustable time, ...)

  System description 


 L’équipement de base est fourni au choix en boîtier à poser sur table ou en tiroir 19"-2U.

L’alimentation standard se fait par le secteur 110/220V et une batterie de secours interne assurant 16 heures d’autonomie environ. (autres alimentations possibles, nous consulter).

L’antenne cierge et le câble peuvent être fournis en option.

Avionics REMF
Civil avionics - ATC systems - Defense
ZAC Garossos - Rue du Juncassa - 31700 Beauzelle - France
Phone : +33 (0)5 61 59 93 37 -
Fax : via:  E-mail :
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